Monday, October 14, 2013

Dilemma & Solution


You are part of an organization who is planning an event at a bar.  You know that alcohol will be accessible to underage members, but there could be serious consequences to your organization if they are caught.  Do you enforce a rule to stop underage drinking because it is dangerous and against the law?  Or do you let it go because it is being done in a controlled environment and things have always been done this way?

Our Solution:

Individual vs. Community and Truth vs. Loyal

Our solution would require that at the Bar, anyone who is under the age of 21 receives X's on their hands. This allows all members of the group to come to the event and participate, while helping to manage the risks associated with underage drinking. It puts the responsibility on the individual, in order to protect the group. We said it could also be categorized as "truth vs. loyalty" because it raises the important question "Do I lie about my age and risk hurting my organization? Or do I tell the truth, and keep us out of trouble?"

Our solution falls under rule-based thinking; in this case, following the law is critical to protecting the organization and its members at the event.

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