Sunday, October 27, 2013

Passion for Change

In thinking about what I am passionate about, and what change I would like to see in the world -- I struggled. There are many movements that I am associated with, and I always like to see their interests advanced. However, on the whole, it took me some time to think about what kind of change I would like to see fulfilled in this world. I decided that the world needs to be more open -- that is, people need to be more honest and in turn, trusting of each other. People are inherently good, but as humans, we get caught up in judgment of our neighbor. We decide, in error, that because of your religion, or your culture, your skin color or how you dress, that we know what kind of person you are, or what kind of person you will be. We ascribe our own stereotypes on total strangers, and we wonder why we have a problem as a society working with, and trusting the people who we *don't* judge. It's a problem. I said in a previous blog post that I don't believe in strangers. Every "stranger" that you might point out to me on the street is simply a friend I haven't met yet. And while it's true that I am guilty of judging -- it isn't something I am proud of -- it is crucial that we as humans begin to recognize the inherent dignity and goodness of all other humans. I think that an individual dedication to this ideal could bring about change. Focusing on the 3 C's of Congruence, Commitment, and Consciousness of self, I believe that people can begin to recognize how they treat others, and make changes in their own lives that will then impact the way others act. It will become somewhat of a Common Purpose, but it starts with those three individual values.

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