Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Leadership Lens: E. Gordon Gee

Having had the opportunity to work with former President Gee in his communications office, I can say with certainty that his grasp on leadership is firm. I experienced a level of team commitment and shared passions for common goals with the man, all while a part-time student assistant on his executive staff.

The handout that I gave you today in class, titled Rules of Engagement, is without question one of my favorite representations of the quality of a good leader. Dr. Gee expected all of his executive team to be leaders in their own way; to Fully be themselves and Be ONE with the University's mission.

Before working for Dr. Gee, I was a part of the Leadership Collaborative, and learned much about the meaning of leadership as an incoming freshman. But never before had I encountered such simple steps for true and effective leadership among your peer group -- whether they be students, or the executive council of a University.

I was proud to have worked for President Gee, and to have known him as a leader. He has shaped my views and opinions of leadership, and had the most impact on my daily leadership style. Although it is not in the packet, I would like to close with a quote that he kept in a large frame at the head of his Board room table. It acted as a daily reminder to him and to all who saw it that for leaders, change is necessary and good. The quote is from General Eric Shinseki, and is as follows:

"If you don't like change, you are going to like irrelevance even less."

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