Sunday, September 22, 2013

"There are no strangers in this life, only friends you have yet to meet."

I was immediately captivated by our last two exercises. Like many others in the class, I have taken other types of assessments that have helped me to define my strengths and abilities, but I had never taken Myers Briggs, and I'd never even heard of True Colors.

I am so glad that I have now.

A description of an ENFP that I found says that we are ambitious (check) hold friends close to our heart (check) and firmly believe that life is for living. (CHECK!)

I appreciated that what I learned about myself from Myers Briggs could be taken and applied to my understanding of myself based on my known strengths. I also appreciated that my True Color, Blue, fit so perfectly with my strengths and MBTI profile.

I value honesty, and believe that emotions are the key to understanding ourselves and others. I am most definitely a people person, and can appreciate "the importance of a simple touch or handshake."

As a Blue ENFP, I value people. I value honest and sincere interaction and expression. I love language, and using it for the good of myself and others. I will excel, and I will fail. I will smile and laugh and cry along the way. I will live my own life to the fullest -- BUT, I will always be there to help a friend, or a stranger. After all, they are the same to me.


  1. Great post, Thomas! After reflecting on the true colors and Myers Briggs tests, I found it so interesting that many of the attributes listed for the personality that I fell into really matched how I view myself. I like how you pointed out that emotions are important to understanding ourselves and others. I personally do not really like to show my emotions but I would agree with you that almost 100% of the time, understanding someone's emotions helps you relate to them and help them. I think you did an awesome job really summarizing your personality in your last paragraph!

  2. When browsing through the blog roll I look for interesting titles to decide which ones I want to read first, and let me tell you, I LOVE that quote in the beginning of your blog, I personally enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. Coming from Arizona I didn't really know anyone when I moved here back in August and to my relief it has actually turned out better than I could have ever imagined, all because I knew that talking to strangers was the only way to go, and hey some of those strangers are now my best friends here at OSU, hopefully for many years to come.

    I also really like your ending paragraph, like Hannah said. Its a strong representation of your character and a good summary of your reflection.
